Books by Pablo Neruda (8)


100 Love Sonnets : Cien sonetos de amor by Pablo Neruda EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Against the backdrop of Isla Negra — the sea and wind, the white sand with its scattering of delicate wild flowers, the hot sun and salty smells of the Pacific — Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda sets these joyfully sensual poems in celebration of his love. The subject of that love: Matilde Urrutia de Neruda, the poet's "beloved wife." As popular in the Hispanic world as the poet's renowned Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair,One Hundred Love Sonnets has never before been published in its entirety in English translation. The reason for this astonishing neglect may lie in the historical circumsta... continue


20 Poemas de Amor y Una Cancion Desesperada by Pablo Neruda ES

Rating: 3 (7 votes)
"De aquellas tierras, de aquel barro, de aquel silencio he salido yo a andar, a cantar, por el mundo". Así se describe Pablo Neruda, autor de una obra fecundísima, a través de la cual se pueden seguir las diferentes tendencias que ha experimentado la poesía hispanoamericana de nuestro siglo. Veinte Poemas de Amor y Una Canción Desesperada, una de sus obras más importantes, revela una voz poética muy personal. Se trata de un libro de amor juvenil, apasionado, exultante y amargo, escrito con un tono cálidamente humano y sencillo... continue

De lippen van de aarde

De lippen van de aarde by Pablo Neruda NL

0 Ratings
Neruda ziet poëzie niet als een dampende najade. Hij zet haar als wasvrouw aan het werk, laat haar brood verkopen in de bakkerijen, spinnen met de eenvoudige weefsters en ijzer beslaan in de metaalwerkplaats. Hij brengt haar naar de ondergrondse mijnen en moet lachen als ze tevoorschijn komt met haar voorhoofd vol vlekken steenkool. Zijn poëzie spreekt de taal van mensen, de taal van iedereen. In uiterst korte verzen weet Neruda vervoering en rust met elkaar te combineren. Maar zelfs achter zijn schijnbaar eenvoudige poëzie schuilen diepere betekenissen als politiek, oorlog, geheime liefde en ... continue


Fully Empowered by Pablo Neruda EN

0 Ratings
An important collection that includes some of the Nobel Prize winner's own favorite poems. "The Sea" A single entity, but no blood. A single caress, death or a rose. The sea comes in and puts our lives together and attacks alone and spreads itself and sing sin nights and days and men and living creatures. Its essence-fire and cold; movement, movement. Pablo Neruda himself regarded Fully Empowered -- which first appeared in Spanish in 1962 under the title Plenos Poderes -- as a particular favorite, in part because it came out of a most fruitful period in his life. These thirty-six poems vary fr... continue


Memoirs by Pablo Neruda EN

0 Ratings
Pablo Neruda has been hailed as the greatest poet of the 20th century & was a Nobel laureat. In these memoirs he also recounts his distinguished career as a diplomat & politician, during which he came to know iconic figures including Gandhi, Che Guevara & Mao Tse Tung.


Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair by Pablo Neruda EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
"The Chilean Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) was probably the greatest and certainly the most prolific of twentieth-century Latin American poets. He brought out his first collection at the age of seventeen, and quickly developed an assured and distinctive poetic voice. His third book, Veinte poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada- 'twenty love poems and a song of despair' - was published in 1924 and attracted international acclaim. It remains one of the most celebrated and admired books of erotic poetry published in the last hundred years, with over a million copies sold worldwide. Neruda was award... continue